Issue #2
February 2nd, 2021     

My take on the intersection of marketing + life

Hi friends, 👋

I have a 17-year-old son whose 6’3.”

That last detail really doesn’t matter, but it is cool, isn’t it?

If he had been in my high school class, he would have been voted “Talks Least, Says Most” — a distinction no one would ever bestow upon me. 😂

Because he doesn’t say much, getting info out of him about school and friends always feels like pulling teeth.

Creating original content with your organizational leaders shouldn’t be that hard.

Yet somehow it is.

Corporate marketing teams struggle with extracting industry knowledge from their internal leaders daily. That’s because creating content is one of those things organizational leaders must do, but rarely make the time for.

With so much technology at our fingertips and better communication and transparency than ever, our marketing teams can do better. In my latest article for MarketingProfs, I offer six tried and true ways to extract content from your internal experts. Respond to this email and let me know which one is your favorite!

All the best,
Mindi 😊

Stuff worth reading

Get more traction on your next article with this 7-point checklist.

Struggle with getting a lot done each day? Eat the frog first.

Q: How long does it take for content marketing to work? A: 6-9 months.

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